Open M-F 9-16
Evelin Pärn-Lee
Director General |
667 2410 |
Siiri Viilipus
manager of support services |
667 2531 |
Marili Tammeorg
HR specialist |
667 2402 |
Rainer Valo
junior analyst |
667 2465 |
Triin Kask
support services specialist |
667 2420 |
Piret Tamme
administrative and occupational health specialist |
667 2533 |
Gerda Šein
information management partner |
667 2532 |
Kelly Nuut
assistant |
667 2426 |
Eike Kingsepp
communication partner |
667 2599 |
Marilis Ehvert
editor |
667 2401 |
Ivar Kangro
quality leader |
667 2409 |
Kadri Lepikult
head of the field of legal proceedings |
667 2458 |
Mario Jelle
lawyer |
667 2470 |
Annabell Carina Katalsepp
lawyer |
667 2483 |
Eugen Elison Kask
lawyer |
5885 6140 |
Uljana Ivanova
lawyer |
667 2480 |
Kristin Truus
lawyer |
667 2457 |
Anneli Laurits
lawyer |
667 2481 |
Kairi Kaasik-Aaslav
senior analyst |
667 2463 |
Indrek Ahermaa
senior analyst |
667 2460 |
Aldo Kask
senior analyst |
667 2459 |
Enn Robert Kinnas
analyst |
5877 4429 |
Elen Jalak
head of the field of legal proceedings |
667 2442 |
Piret Lohu
lawyer |
667 2466 |
Kristjan Ots
lawyer |
667 2453 |
Kaspar Lehesmets
lawyer |
667 2444 |
Heiki Hade
investigator |
667 2467 |
Külli Haab
head of division-deputy director general |
667 2425 |
Kertu Saul
head of department |
667 2584 |
Mare Karotamm
deputy head of department |
667 2575 |
Tauri Liiders
expert |
667 2577 |
Riina Randmaa
expert |
667 2581 |
Maarika Karelson
adviser |
667 2574 |
Vivika Kruusmägi
adviser |
667 2586 |
Terje Sinik
adviser |
667 2585 |
Heliko Nava
senior analyst |
667 2589 |
Liina Kalm
senior analyst |
667 2534 |
Sanna Schwede
senior analyst |
667 2500 |
Erki Aljamaa
senior analyst |
667 2704 |
Peeter Põldvee
senior analyst |
667 2706 |
Jana Mihkelson-Pärna
analüütik |
667 2588 |
Marek Piiroja
head of department |
667 2541 |
Kiur Põld
lawyer |
667 2590 |
Karl Jaak Rebane
lawyer |
667 2424 |
Margus Kasepalu
head of department |
667 2430 |
Väino Siilbek
adviser |
667 2524 |
Tiina Maldre
adviser |
667 2573 |
Egert Luukas
senior analyst |
667 2705 |
Margit Põldaas-Brokko
senior analyst |
667 2482 |
Kaspar Kutsar
senior analyst |
667 2510 |
Marilin Tilkson
head of department |
667 2576 |
Armin Ilisson
adviser |
667 2437 |
Kaspar Selke
adviser |
667 2451 |
Carol Kuuskman
analyst |
667 2708 |
Triin Sohal
development adviser of electricity network |
667 2514 |
Signe Viimsalu
head of division |
667 2703 |
Terje Kriiseman
supervisory expert |
667 2701 |
Merili Ruul
supervisory expert |
667 2702 |
Evelin Pärn-Lee
Estonian Competition Authority
Director General
Speciality: | |
Level of education: |
Siiri Viilipus
Cooperation and Support Services Division
manager of support services
Speciality: | Politsei |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Marili Tammeorg
Cooperation and Support Services Division
HR specialist
Speciality: | Eesti ja soome ugri keeleteadus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Rainer Valo
Cooperation and Support Services Division
junior analyst
Speciality: | |
Level of education: |
Triin Kask
Cooperation and Support Services Division
support services specialist
Speciality: | Õigusteenistus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Piret Tamme
Cooperation and Support Services Division
administrative and occupational health specialist
Speciality: | Halduskorraldus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Gerda Šein
Cooperation and Support Services Division
information management partner
Speciality: | Juhiabi |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Kelly Nuut
Cooperation and Support Services Division
Speciality: | |
Level of education: |
Eike Kingsepp
Cooperation and Support Services Division
communication partner
Speciality: | Avalikkussuhted ja teabekorraldus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Marilis Ehvert
Cooperation and Support Services Division
Speciality: | Eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteadus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Ivar Kangro
Cooperation and Support Services Division
quality leader
Speciality: | Ettevõtlus ja ärijuhtimine |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Kadri Lepikult
Administrative Proceedings of Competition Team
head of the field of legal proceedings
Speciality: | Õigusteadus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Mario Jelle
Administrative Proceedings of Competition Team
Speciality: | |
Level of education: |
Annabell Carina Katalsepp
Administrative Proceedings of Competition Team
Speciality: | Õigusteadus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Eugen Elison Kask
Administrative Proceedings of Competition Team
Speciality: | |
Level of education: |
Uljana Ivanova
Administrative Proceedings of Competition Team
Speciality: | Õigusteadus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Kristin Truus
Administrative Proceedings of Competition Team
Speciality: | Õigusteadus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Anneli Laurits
Administrative Proceedings of Competition Team
Speciality: | Õigusteadus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Kairi Kaasik-Aaslav
Administrative Proceedings of Competition Team
senior analyst
Speciality: | Ärijuhtimine |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Indrek Ahermaa
Administrative Proceedings of Competition Team
senior analyst
Speciality: | Ärindus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Aldo Kask
Data and Economic Analysis Team
senior analyst
Speciality: | Ärirahandus ja majandusarvestus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Enn Robert Kinnas
Data and Economic Analysis Team
Speciality: | |
Level of education: |
Elen Jalak
Special Proceedings of Competition Team
head of the field of legal proceedings
Speciality: | Õigusteadus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Piret Lohu
Special Proceedings of Competition Team
Speciality: | Õigusteadus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Kristjan Ots
Special Proceedings of Competition Team
Speciality: | Ajakirjandus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Kaspar Lehesmets
Special Proceedings of Competition Team
Speciality: | Õigusteadus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Heiki Hade
Special Proceedings of Competition Team
Speciality: | Politsei |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Külli Haab
Regulatory Division
head of division-deputy director general
Speciality: | Ärijuhtimine |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Kertu Saul
Price Regulation Department
head of department
Speciality: | Rahvusvaheline ärijuhtimine |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Mare Karotamm
Price Regulation Department
deputy head of department
Speciality: | Ärijuhtimine |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Tauri Liiders
Price Regulation Department
Speciality: | Maksundus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Riina Randmaa
Price Regulation Department
Speciality: | Ökonoomika ja ettevõtlus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Maarika Karelson
Price Regulation Department
Speciality: | Kaubandusökonoomika |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Vivika Kruusmägi
Price Regulation Department
Speciality: | Keskkooli matemaatika ja informaatika õpetaja |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Terje Sinik
Price Regulation Department
Speciality: | Matemaatika |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Heliko Nava
Price Regulation Department
senior analyst
Speciality: | Ärikorraldus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Liina Kalm
Price Regulation Department
senior analyst
Speciality: | Materjalitehnoloogia |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Sanna Schwede
Price Regulation Department
senior analyst
Speciality: | Elektritehnika |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Erki Aljamaa
Price Regulation Department
senior analyst
Speciality: | Ökonomist |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Peeter Põldvee
Price Regulation Department
senior analyst
Speciality: | |
Level of education: |
Jana Mihkelson-Pärna
Price Regulation Department
Speciality: | |
Level of education: |
Marek Piiroja
Legal Department
head of department
Speciality: | Õigusteadus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Kiur Põld
Legal Department
Speciality: | Õigusteadus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Karl Jaak Rebane
Legal Department
Speciality: | Õigusteadus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Margus Kasepalu
Department of Energy and Infrastructure
head of department
Speciality: | Tööstuslik soojusenergeetika |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Väino Siilbek
Department of Energy and Infrastructure
Speciality: | Raadiotehnika |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Tiina Maldre
Department of Energy and Infrastructure
Speciality: | Keemiatööstuse protsessid ja keemiaküberneetika |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Egert Luukas
Department of Energy and Infrastructure
senior analyst
Speciality: | Autod ja automajandid |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Margit Põldaas-Brokko
Department of Energy and Infrastructure
senior analyst
Speciality: | Majandusarvestuse õppesuuna viieaastane õppekava |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Kaspar Kutsar
Department of Energy and Infrastructure
senior analyst
Speciality: | |
Level of education: |
Marilin Tilkson
Department of Energy Markets
head of department
Speciality: | Elektroenergeetika |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Armin Ilisson
Department of Energy Markets
Speciality: | Elektroenergeetika |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Kaspar Selke
Department of Energy Markets
Speciality: | |
Level of education: |
Carol Kuuskman
Department of Energy Markets
Speciality: | Rakenduslik majandusteadus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Triin Sohal
Department of Energy Markets
development adviser of electricity network
Speciality: | Elektroenergeetika ja mehhatroonika |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Signe Viimsalu
Insolvency Division
head of division
Speciality: | Õigus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Terje Kriiseman
Insolvency Division
supervisory expert
Speciality: | Õigusteadus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |
Merili Ruul
Insolvency Division
supervisory expert
Speciality: | Õigusteadus |
Level of education: | Kõrgharidus |