Introduction and structure

Estonian Competition Authority exercises supervision in the fields of competition, natural gas, district heating, postal services, public water supply and sewerage and railways. In addition, the Authority settles disputes regarding airport fees. The Authority is in the area of government of the Ministry of Justice and the Director General Evelin Pärn-Lee is the head of the Authority.

The Competition Authority's responsibilities are divided between two divisions. The operation of support services (such as international and public relations, personnel work, event and training planning, asset management, and document management) falls within the purview of the Cooperation and Support Services Department.

The Cooperation and Support Services Department performs support functions for the Data Protection Inspectorate, the Patent Office and the Competition Authority.

Competition supervision, control of concentrations, analyses of competitive situation raising competition related awareness.

  • Administrative Proceedings of Competition Team
  • Data and Economic Analysis Team
  • Special Proceedings of Competition Team

Price regulation and market supervision in the areas of electricity, natural gas, district heating and water, regulation of postal services market and supervision in the railways sector.

  • Department of Energy and Infrastructure
  • Department of Price Regulation
  • Department of Energy Markets
  • Legal Department

Last updated: 04.09.2024