According to Evelin Pärn-Lee, the Director General of the Estonian Competition Authority, the proceedings conducted in 2023, as well as the restructuring of the activities of the Competition Division, were carried out with the aim of ensuring reliable and high-quality services for consumers, but above all, ensuring open markets and fair prices. “In 2024, we will continue to monitor and analyse markets critical for consumers and will work toward making sure that the public understands what we do and that our activities actually do benefit consumers – the Authority has set a goal that for each one euro that the taxpayer has given to fund the Authority, the consumer must get at least three euros back,” Pärn-Lee said.
It was a busy year for the Regulatory Division – more than a thousand administrative procedures or acts were carried out, including nearly 300 price proceedings and more than 600 complaints or inquiries. In sectors subject to economic regulation such as water, district heating and gas, entrepreneurs were proactively reminded of their legal obligation to reduce tariffs if input prices fell. As a result, both water and district heating prices fell in several regions, at a time where consumer prices have kept rising. In total, the price regulation in 2023 resulted in consumer benefits in the amount of approximately 70 million euros.
“In 2024, we will focus on improving competition supervision – particularly in the areas where the Authority carries out regular and exceptional market analyses. In addition, there is a strategic choice to engage in activities aimed at raising awareness and increasing competencies,” said Pärn-Lee.
Created in 2023, the Authority’s 2027+ strategy aims to build capacity to manage both current and future challenges in the field of competition supervision and economic regulation. In addition, the Authority will focus on transforming supervisory processes with a view to increasing supervisory capacity.
The Competition Authority exercises state supervision over competition, electricity, natural gas, district heating, mail, public water supply and sewerage as well as railways, aviation and ports, and unfair trading practices.