An undertaking must hold relevant authorisation to engage in the following activities:
- generation of electricity;
- provision of network services through a distribution network;
- provision of network services through the transmission network;
- conveying electricity via a direct current line crossing the national border;
- conveying electricity via a direct line or via direct lines.
The authorisation obligation does not apply in the following cases:
- when electricity is generated by a generating installation which has a net capacity of up to 1 MW;
- the conveying of electricity in accordance with clauses 1 or 2 of subsection 6 of section 15 of the Electricity Market Act, or via a closed distribution network;
- when electricity is generated in accordance with subsection 3 of section 16 of the Electricity Market Act;
- when electricity is conveyed via a direct line, provided the direct line is connected to a generating installation whose net capacity is up to 1 MW.
There is no notification obligation in the following cases
- in the sale of electricity in accordance with § 15 subsection 6 points 1 or 2 of ELTS;
- on the sale of electricity produced by the producer;
- selling electricity on the electricity exchange
- in the sale of electricity according to § 16 paragraph 3 of ELTS;
- in the sale of electricity, if the distribution network operator only provides the market participant with an open supply service in accordance with § 44 subsection 41 of ELTS or a general service in accordance with § 761 ;
- in the sale of electricity, if the electricity has been transmitted to the consumer via a direct line and produced using production equipment with a total net capacity of less than 1 MW.
Instructions for applying for a licence can be found at the State Portal.
Last updated: 06.05.2024