


Purpose of the control of concentrations is to assess the impacts on competitive situation and to avoid creation or strengthening of dominant position of an undertaking, which may give rise to a significant impediment to effective competition. 

A concentration shall be subject to control by the Competition Authority, if during the previous financial year the aggregate turnover in Estonia of the parties to the concentration exceeded 6 000 000 euros and the aggregate turnover in Estonia of each of at least two parties to the concentration exceeded 2 000 000 euros


Appraisal of a concentration is based on the need to maintain and develop competition, taking into account the structure of goods market and the actual and potential competition in the goods market.  

Within 30 calendar days as of the submission of a notice of a concentration, the Competition Authority shall make one of the following decisions:

  • decision to grant permission;
  • decision to initiate  supplementary proceedings;
  • decision, if the concentration does not fall within the scope of concentration in the terms of Competition Act;
  • decision, if a concentration is not subject to control;
  • terminates proceedings if the parties decide not to concentrate.

In the course of supplementary proceedings the Competition Authority shall make one of the following decisions within four months of the beginning of the supplementary proceedings:

  • grant permission to concentrate;
  • prohibit the concentration;
  • terminates the proceedings, if the parties to the concentration decide not to concentrate.


 Ministry of Finance

SEB Pank  EE891010220034796011  (BIC/SWIFT: EEUHEE2X)

Swedbank  EE932200221023778606  (BIC/SWIFT: HABAEE2X)

LHV Pank EE777700771003813400 (BIC/SWIFT: LHVBEE22)

Luminor Bank  EE701700017001577198  (BIC/SWIFT: NDEAEE2X)

A State fee of 1920 euros shall be paid for proceedings concerning a concentration.

Last updated: 03.10.2023